
Free Web Presence Analysis

The purpose of WebWorm’s Free Web Presence Analysis is to determine if consumers can actually find you on the internet , and by you I mean your business , products or services.

Its great that you have a Website , but is it getting indexed in the search engines, and do the indexed pages have the proper meta tags, keywords and good original content that allows it to show up in a decent position in the search engines.

Do your landing pages provide easy to access contact info ?

Showing up on page 5 or page 10 in Google is a start but , it’s not going to drive much traffic and potential inquires for your business, it’s not going to help much as a passive lead generator.

There are a lot of Websites on the internet , millions of them , most small businesses if they even have a website , have no idea as to whether their site is getting any organic traffic or if its being used at all.

Below are some of the key areas we look at in determining where your Web Presence needs work .

• What page do you show up on in major search engines for your businesses niche , 1st , 2nd or 10th page ?

• What search terms or keywords are you well optimized for.

• How many potential landing pages do you have indexed in Google , Bing and other search engines.

• What Social media pages do you currently have set up.

• Are you currently adding new fresh original content on a regular basis .

• Are your Social Media pages linked to your website and vice versa.

• Do your Facebook and other Social Media pages integrate well with your main website as far as color schemes , logos, headers etc.

Web Presence Platform

What is the  “Web Presence Platform” and why is it important to the health of your business ?  In our first installment regarding Web Presence , we talked about what it means and why Web Presence is so important to anyone in business.

Now we will get into more detail about the parts and pieces that make up what WebWorm calls the “Web Presence Platform” .

Essentially the Web Presence Platform is a company’s website , their social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest , Instagram, and even listing pages such as Yelp, Houzz , Angies List , Linkedin and so on.

All of these collectively represent a company’s Web Presence Platform and should be unified in the way they look , in the information they provide and should all be linked together to provide a seamless loop , where a potential client , consumer or customer can find all the information needed about a company’s products and services.

Here at WebWorm we offer a free “Web Presence Analysis” to help determine what areas need  improvement in increasing their overall Web Presence and the quality of their  Web Presence Platform.

In our next installment regarding Web Presence we will talk about WebWorm’s  “Web Presence Services”  and what we do to accomplish the goal of increasing the quality of a company’s Web Presence Platform.